By using this website, signing up for a membership or downloading/streaming any digital asset released by Mind Love, you agree to the Mind Love Universal Terms & Conditions:

  1. You agree and understand that if you sign up for a membership, the email list or a free downloadable, your email address and name will be collected. This information will not be sold.
  2. You agree and understand that your card will be charged at the end of the free-trial period for subscription products with a free-trial
  3. You agree & understand that your card will be charged immediately for all products, services and subscriptions that do not have a free trial
  4. You agree & understand that we will charge your card in 14 days of original purchase date unless you cancel your subscription
  5. You agree & understand that refunds may not be granted for subscriptions that include a free trial
  6. You agree & understand that your subscription will auto-renew at the end of the subscription cycle. You can update, modify or cancel your subscription at any time by going to

Additionally, you agree to:

  • Smile and have fun and;
  • Enjoy the content and;
  • Not put down any members, speak negatively to the community, or otherwise be a prickly pear in a bunch of friendly folks and;
  • Only use Mind Love to make the world a better place.

Cookies & Tracking

You understand that this website uses cookies to deliver a better experience to you and every other user who uses this website. You also understand that we use Google Analytics to track user behavior, which may or not include IP Addresses, source/destination websites, browsing behavior, amongst other items commonly tracked by Google Analytics. You can delete cookies at any time by going into your browser settings. If you do not want Mind Love Cookies, then please do not use our website.


Mind Love will never sell your contact information. Mind Love will never distribute your contact information without receiving prior consent from the account owner. If Mind Love does request consent, it is because the team at Mind Love genuinely believes you will benefit from the person/company/brand receiving your contact information.


If you are contacted by someone outside of Mind Love asking for your Mind Love login/account info, please email us at to validate their request. Never, ever email your account passwords to anyone, ever, unless their “from” email specifically says “” with no subdomains or extra characters. Any request from “” is genuine and from the Mind Love team.

Account Cancellations

If your account is past overdue for longer than 7 days, your account will become suspended. If your account is past due for more than 14 days, your Mind Love Premium account will be canceled. Once an account is canceled, you have 14 days to reclaim your account without penalty. After 28 days, your Mind Love Premium account will be terminated and all data will be lost.

If you want to terminate all data on file and completely wipe your account, email us at