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047: Bold Moves for Big Dreams

By October 9, 2018February 2nd, 20232 Comments

Alex Banayan The Third Door books

Have you ever wondered how really successful people got their start? We learned last week that yeah, talent will give you a leg up, but as much as talent counts, effort counts twice as much.

Sure, a lot of people come from money or went to fancy private schools and have all the connections already set for them to make it big.

But what about everyone else?

How did Maya Angelou go from growing up in the depression to being arguably the greatest poet of our time?

How did Lady Gaga go from singing at open mic nights to one of the greatest women in music history?

What’s the secret?

Our guest today asked himself the same thing when he was just an 18 year old college student. He thought if he could just find out what how the greatest people in the world launched their careers, he could compile all the answers in a book and change how our generation viewed success.

His mission proved more difficult than he imagined, but what he realized is that there is always a way.

This author is Alex Banayan, the author of the national bestseller The Third Door, which chronicles his five-year quest tracking down the world’s most successful people to uncover how they broke through and launched their careers.

Today we will learn:

  • How to keep going through rejection and failure
  • Why it’s important to carefully select your support system
  • How to make the biggest dreams a reality

Learn More About Alex Banayan

Alex Banayan author of The Third Door

Alex Banayan

Author and Keynote Speaker

Alex Banayan is the author of the national bestseller The Third Door, which chronicles his five-year quest tracking down Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, Warren Buffett, Maya Angelou, Steven Spielberg, Jane Goodall, Steve Wozniak, Jessica Alba, Larry King, and dozens more of the world’s most successful people to uncover how they broke through and launched their careers. Banayan has been named to Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list, Business Insider’s Most Powerful People Under 30, and been featured in major media including CNBC, MSNBC, Fortune, Forbes, Billboard, Businessweek, Bloomberg TV, Fox News, and CBS News.


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