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HealthMind Body SoulPodcast

199: The Healing Power of Essential Oils with Dr. Eric Zielinski

By September 14, 2021February 3rd, 2023No Comments

It seems like the use for essential oils is never-ending, which can make a lot of people skeptical.

But if you think about it, nature was our original pharmacy. Food is medicine. Plants are medicine. Even fresh air is medicine.

Many people don’t realize that natural medicine is core to pharmacy.

Of all the botanical extracts, essential oils are the most concentrated and potent. Because of the extraction process, essential oils can be 70 to 100 times stronger than the actual plant.

And there are thousands of types of oils and combinations for different ailments or needs, everything from headaches to Alzheimer’s… from concentration to keeping bugs away.

So how do we choose safe and effective essential oils? How do we use them properly? Why are some so much more expensive than others?

That’s what we’re talking about today.

Our guest today is Dr. Eric Zielinski, best-selling author, aromatherapist, public health researcher, and chiropractor, and founder of NaturalLivingFamily.com.

We Will Learn

  • How essential oils can help with everything from minor ailments to chronic disease
  • What to look for in essential oils and which labels are marketing scams
  • How to get started with your own home apothecary


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